Instruction Factory

The InstructionFactory component of the SDK is outlined in the interface found here. This component allows the user to craft composable solana instructions that can be executed by wrapping them around a transaction.

Instantiating an InstructionFactory


import { clusterApiUrl, Connection } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { InstructionFactoryImpl } from "@seabed-labs/pre-authorized-debit";

// You can use any connection object you'd like, this is just an example
const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("mainnet-beta"));

const ixFactory = InstructionFactoryImpl.mainnet(connection);


import { clusterApiUrl, Connection } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { InstructionFactoryImpl } from "@seabed-labs/pre-authorized-debit";

// You can use any connection object you'd like, this is just an example
const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("devnet"));

const ixFactory = InstructionFactoryImpl.devnet(connection);


Point the instruction factory to a custom deployment on any cluster:

import { clusterApiUrl, Connection } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { InstructionFactoryImpl } from "@seabed-labs/pre-authorized-debit";

const connection = new Connection(/* your connection args */);
const CUSTOM_PAD_PROGRAM_ID = /* your custom program ID */;

const ixFactory = InstructionFactoryImpl.custom(
  // optionlly, pass in a custom read client
  //   (if not provided, our read client will be pointed to the custom program)

Supported Methods

The instruction factory supports the following methods:


Not all these instructions map 1:1 to the instructions in the program. For example, pause and unpause are modeled as 2 methods here but utilize the same instruction with different parameters in the program.

Approve smart delegate is an instruction that is sent to the SPL token (or token 2022) program and not the pre-authorized-debit program.

These abstractions will hopefully make the SDK slightly easier to use.

All the methods listed above return the following generic type:

// Return Type
type InstructionWithMetadata<T> = {
  instruction: TransactionInstruction; // solana type
  expectedSigners: ExpectedSigner[]; // see below
  meta: T; // any method-specific metadata such as pubkeys of new accounts, etc.

// Inner Types
type ExpectedSigner = {
  publicKey: PublicKey; // this pubkey needs to sign for IX to be successful
  reason: string; // human-readable reason for why this pubkey needs to sign

You can run the instruction returned by the methods by wrapping them around a transaction. For example, consider the buildInitSmartDelegateIx method (same approach applies to all methods):

import {
} from "@solana/web3.js";
import { InstructionFactoryImpl } from "@seabed-labs/pre-authorized-debit";

// You can use any connection object you'd like, this is just an example
const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("mainnet-beta"));
const ixFactory = InstructionFactoryImpl.mainnet(connection);

const txPayerKeypair = // load it however;
const accountPayerKeypair = // load it however (can be same as above also);

const ixWithMetadata = await ixFactory.buildInitSmartDelegateIx({
  payer: accountPayerKeypair.publicKey,

const {
  instruction: initSmartDelegateIx,
  meta: { smartDelegate: smartDelegatePubkey },
} = ixWithMetadata;

const latestBlockhash = await connection.getLatestBlockhash();
const message = Message.compile({
  payerKey: txPayerKeypair.publicKey,
  instructions: [initSmartDelegateIx],
  recentBlockhash: latestBlockhash.blockhash,
const tx = new VersionedTransaction(message);

// You can also alternatively use an anchor provider to sign & send the TX
tx.sign([txPayerKeypair, accountPayerKeypair]);
const signature = await connection.sendTransaction(tx);

Build InitSmartDelegate instruction

Builds the init_smart_delegate instruction. While this is available to SDK users, this instruction only needs to be run once and it will likely be run by us for any instances of the program we deploy.

This instruction will initialize the singleton smart_delegate account.

const ixWithMetadata = await ixFactory.buildInitSmartDelegateIx({
  payer: // the payer pubkey that'll pay for smart_delegate account creation,

const {
  instruction: initSmartDelegateIx,
  meta: { smartDelegate: smartDelegatePubkey },
} = ixWithMetadata;

Build InitOneTimePreAuthorization instruction

Build the init_pre_authorization instruction with one-time configuration.

This instruction will initialize a pre_authorization account that represents a one-time pre-authorization.

const ixWithMetadata = await ixFactory.buildInitOneTimePreAuthorizationIx({
  // pre-auth generic
  payer: // the pubkey paying for pre_authorization account creation,
  tokenAccount: // the token account pubkey,
  debitAuthority: // the debit authority pubkey,
  activation: // a Date instance representing the pre-auth's activation time
  // one-time specific
  amountAuthorized: // a bigint that represents the one-time pre-auth's amount
  expiry: // an optional Date instance representing the pre-auth's expiry time

const {
  instruction: initOneTimePreAuthIx,
  meta: { preAuthorization: preAuthPubkey },
} = ixWithMetadata;

Build InitRecurringPreAuthorization instruction

Build the init_pre_authorization instruction with recurring configuration.

This instruction will initialize a pre_authorization account that represents a recurring pre-authorization.

const ixWithMetadata = await ixFactory.buildInitRecurringPreAuthorizationIx({
  // pre-auth generic
  payer: // the pubkey paying for pre_authorization account creation,
  tokenAccount: // the token account pubkey,
  debitAuthority: // the debit authority pubkey,
  activation: // a Date instance representing the pre-auth's activation time
  // recurring specific
  repeatFrequencySeconds: // the recurring frequency in seconds (type: bigint),
  recurringAmountAuthorized: // amount authorized each cycle (type: bigint),
  numCycles: // optional, total cycles this pre-auth will be active (type: bigint),
  resetEveryCycle: // if false, the unused "recurringAmountAuthorized" will accrue across cycles (type: boolean)

const {
  instruction: initRecurringPreAuthIx,
  meta: { preAuthorization: preAuthPubkey },
} = ixWithMetadata;

Build PausePreAuthorization instruction

Build the update_pause_pre_authorization instruction with pause = true configuration.

This instruction will pause a pre_authorization account.

const ix = await ixFactory.buildPausePreAuthorizationIx({
  preAuthorization: // the pre-authorization account's pubkey

const {
  instruction: pausePreAuthIx,
  // no metadata for this
} = ix;

Build UnpausePreAuthorization instruction

Build the update_pause_pre_authorization instruction with pause = false configuration.

This instruction will un-pause a pre_authorization account.

const ix = await ixFactory.buildUnpausePreAuthorizationIx({
  preAuthorization: // the pre-authorization account's pubkey

const {
  instruction: unpausePreAuthIx,
  // no metadata for this
} = ix;

Build ClosePreAuthorizationAsOwner instruction

Build the close_pre_authorization instruction with authority as pre-authorization's token account's owner.

This instruction will close a pre_authorization account.

const ix = await ixFactory.buildClosePreAuthorizationAsOwnerIx({
  preAuthorization: // the pre-authorization account's pubkey,
  rentReceiver: // optional, the account pubkey that'll receive the lamports in the pre-auth account

const {
  instruction: closePreAuthAsOwnerIx,
  // no metadata for this
} = ix;

Build ClosePreAuthorizationAsDebitAuthority instruction

Build the close_pre_authorization instruction with authority as pre-authorization's debit authority.

This instruction will close a pre_authorization account.

const ix = await ixFactory.buildClosePreAuthorizationAsDebitAuthorityIx({
  preAuthorization: // the pre-authorization account's pubkey,

const {
  instruction: closePreAuthAsDebitAuthorityIx,
  // no metadata for this
} = ix;

Build Debit instruction

Build the debit instruction.

This instruction will debit the token account via the pre-authorization if it is valid.

const ix = await ixFactory.buildDebitIx({
  preAuthorization: // the pre-authorization account's pubkey,
  amount: // bigint, amount to debit,
  destinationTokenAccount: // destination token account pubkey to send "amount" to,
  checkSmartDelegateEnabled: // optional boolean, checks delegate is smart delegate and fails otherwise

const {
  instruction: debitIx,
  // no metadata for this
} = ix;

Build ApproveSmartDelegate instruction

Build the approve instruction (on SPL Token Program or on SPL Token2022 Program) for a given token account to set it's delegate to the smart_delegate account and delegated amount to u64::MAX.

When a pre-authorization account is created, the delegate of the token account is already configured as the smart_delegate and the delegated amount is set to u64::MAX. This instruction can be used to "reset" this delegation so that the token account's associated pre-authorizations are still valid if it was unset by another Dapp. Alternatively, if the delegated amount isn't sufficient anymore, this same method can be used to reset it back to u64::MAX.


This instruction does not call our pre-authorized-debit-v1 program, it calls the SPL Token/Token2022 program directly.

const ix = await ixFactory.buildApproveSmartDelegateIx({
  tokenAccount: // token account pubkey,

const {
  instruction: approveSmartDelegateIx,
  // no metadata for this
} = ix;

Last updated